Well done and many thanks to Team SWMF Yeovil !
Following the recent news regarding the expansion of the Yeovil Plant footprint; we are delighted to announce the addition of NDT capability into our Yeovil treatment portfolio. This now expands the established NDT capability which is positioned at SWMF Marsh Barton.
Dave Barton (Yeovil Plant Manager) comments:“On Monday 1st November 2021 we received formal notification that we are now NADCAP accredited and approved by Leonardo to AWPS006X , the following day Claire our level 2 technician is immediately up and running processing the first Purchase Order”
There are a few more phases to deploy to fully integrate the Yeovil facility, however this is a very positive step in our journey.
SWMF is continuing to invest in all four of their UK based treatment facilities, including expansion of our standalone paint facility at Exeter Airport, the introduction of Value Stream concepts at our Marsh Barton facility and the introduction of new treatments at our High End commercial treatment plant in Chippenham. The journey continues….