ATI Consortium Agreement gets the go ahead!

South West Metal Finishing have now signed the Consortium Agreement for the Innovate UK: ATI 2 Competition

Project: High Temperature, affordable composites for AM aerospace applications.

This is an exciting development for the company, and we are pleased to be part a project which seeks to commercialise Additive Manufacturing and enable it to be affordable and viable in the future.

One of the primary objectives of the project is for the various partners to commercially exploit the Additive Layer Manufacturing technology which in turn will benefit the wider UK economy. Our specific role will be to work on developing a suitable surface treatment for the parts manufactured in the process. Our partners in the project will be Victrex , manufacturers of the peek polymers, University of Exeter ALM CentreHieta product designers , Airbus end user, E3D machine manufacturers, AVPE precision engineers for end users and ourselves.

Our collaborative project is listed here under victrex

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